Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The unexpected dessert

One Sunday after arranging the groceries, I came up with making Smores with honeycomb on top… snack for that afternoon for the family. Because of super day dreaming about it the past few days, I decided to make it for them. I started making the honeycomb first. Honeycomb is a sweet crunchy treat that melts in your mouth, similar to sugar brittles but more delicate and breaks easily.. (Details for the making honeycomb is listed below) This first time making the honeycomb is a breakthrough for me since this is one of those favorite desserts that I would love to make. I’ve been looking for the recipe of this kind of candy, and recently I found it and knew what the name is, and it is HONEYCOMB. One thing I would advise in making this is instead of following the recipe for the amount of baking soda, make it half instead since it gets bitter when baking soda is more. And one more thing, make sure that the sugar syrup is in its perfect syruppy condition(haha), a condition wherein it is in amber color and very velvety or I may say near to sticky, so that it won’t melt easily. After making the honeycomb, the layered Smores is the next thing to do. Smores are usually  famous campfire treats, if you have a cracker, a chocolate bar and a marshmallow, you now have a snack to bite. Smores are just more on the pattern of layering, one on top of the other. After making the Smores and topped the honeycomb on it, I tried a bite, but to my dismay I wasn’t happy about it. I didn’t know why but I have a feeling that after I tasted it is not suited as a snack, it cannot satisfy your hungry stomach either, because for me, the snack I made was a dessert, because the moment I ate it, I did’nt felt it was a snack, but it was a sweet tasty treat. And basing it on the reactions of the people at home after eating, they didn't grab for more, usually if I'm making a snack for them, they want more than just one slice/layer of it, the maximum slices that was eaten as I remember was just 2 is to 1 person. The believed Smores as a snack was actually a dessert by nature for me.

For Honeycomb            
* 3/4 cup white sugar    
* 1/4 cup water               
* 2 tbsp honey                
* 2 tsp/1 tsp baking soda
For Smores
* 1 pack graham crackers
* 1 pack marshmallows 
* 500 grams chocolate buttons

For Honeycomb  
1. Mix sugar, water and honey in a saucepan with a wooden spoon.
Bring it into a boil until amber in color and very syruppy.
2. Add the baking soda into the sugar syrup until foamy.
3. Pour immediately in a parchment paper and let it cool.
4. Break into small pieces or as desired.
For the Smores
1. Open Graham Cracker pack to let the biscuit soften.
Cut graham crackers into square sizes.
2. On top of it, add 2 chocolate buttons, place it in oven
to melt the chocolate.
3. After melting the chocolate, place marshmallow on top,
place it back to the oven and let the mallows melt. Make
sure it will not get burned.
4. Layer another square size graham on top of the mallow.
Add another marshmallow on top of the cracker. Let it melt 
in the oven.
5. Sprinkle on top with honeycomb pieces.